It’s Time To Be A Superhero

‘No amount of money ever bought a second of time.’ – Tony Stark

As education leaders, we must understand that time is not on the side of the students. 12 years of schooling can go fast. In the blink of an eye, that kindergarten child is now heading off to post-high school opportunities. People will say, “I hope that student used his/her time wisely because life is now here.” I do agree with that, however I like to also say, “Has every educator that stood in front of that student given his/her best effort to empower the student?” 

There are approximately 58, 320,000 seconds in 12 years of school. That’s a long time — if the time is used wisely. Years ago, I was taught a poem called ‘Minute’ by Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. It talks about using every second to it’s full potential. It goes something like this –

“I have but a minute,

Only 60 seconds in it,

Forced upon me did not choose it,

But it’s up to me to use it,

It’s only but a minute,

But eternity is in it.


ETERNITY. We must look ourselves in the mirror and say, “How well do I use my time to contact parents, meet with students, prepare lessons, attend after school/community events? Am I getting the proper “me time” to be a Superhero for my students?” The best educators are true “Superheroes” for their students. You have to give your students the confidence that they need to be successful in life not just in your classroom. Teach them how to use their time wisely to get the best out of every second. Lead by your example.

And at the end of time, you will be their favorite Avenger.

5 thoughts on “It’s Time To Be A Superhero

  1. I love it brother. I appreciate your perspective and the importance of time as it relates to future leaders…

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